You Report, We Respond | (473) 423-CIRT (2478)

Information Sharing
The CSIRT is dedicated to proactively providing its constituents and stakeholders with comprehensive reports and general information on how to improve cyber resilience in curbing existing threats, zero-day vulnerabilities and those predicted intelligence sources.

Cybersecurity Awareness
This activity entails the design of, and execution of programs and initiatives intended to spread knowledge on cybercrime and cybersecurity, inform, and educate our constituents, stakeholders, strategic partners, and the public in general.

Incident Management
The CSIRT manages Incidents as one of its Reactive Services to minimize impact. This involves coordinating the activities of a cyber incident detection, triaging, analysis, response, and recovery.

Cyber Threat Intelligence
The CSIRT’s role is to gather and analyze information from this monitoring that will be used to identify potential cyber threats, recurring patterns, and advice on countermeasures.

The CSIRT Website
By establishing this site, we hope to provide the general public and security professionals with the means to report, discuss, and disseminate computer security related information quickly, accurately, and efficiently.